Non Vocational Programs

Professional Driver Improvement Course – PDIC

The focus of these courses will be to increase people’s awareness of the importance and need for defensive driving, to provide people with additional skills and knowledge to drive DEFENSIVELY and to encourage people to have a better driving attitude. Most importantly, our goal is to motivate people to want to save lives and reduce injuries.

Course Content

Review of Provincial legislation
Applicable definitions, rules and regulations
Safety and emergency response procedures
Responsibilities and duties involved
Written exam

What you will learn

Practical knowledge and techniques to avoid traffic collisions and violations Safe maneuvers and key defensive driving techniques including hazards, fatigues and stress
Why choosing safe, responsible and lawful driving behaviors and habits makes personal and financial sense

Factors one can control before driving, from emotions to vehicle maintenance
How to drive defensively in unpredictable conditions
How driver attitude and behavior can help prevent collisions and poor decision-making
How to prevent collisions and recognize potential hazards
How to deal with the challenges of being a professional driver